Posts and Comments by Steven Alsheimer


The Neighborhood of Astoria, Queens--posted on May 12, 2015, in the Neighborhood Portraits category.
A Certificate from a share in Sunray Oil Company from 1944--posted on Mar 31, 2015, in the Objects of History category.
NYU Will Offer Financial Aid to Illegal Immigrants--posted on Mar 15, 2015, in the Discussion category.
Steven Alsheimer--posted on Feb 24, 2015, in the Student Introductions category.
From Bari to Ellis--posted on Feb 24, 2015, in the Immigrant Journeys category.
For Democracy, for prosperity, for dreaming.--posted on Feb 9, 2015, in the Our migration stories category.


"I like this idea, it makes the "Food" concept easier to understand for the person being interviewed, so we don't get broad and useless responses but meaningful responses related to immigration. The Food of memory idea could also extend to food of ancestors for people who are not themselves immigrants but have a particular food that reminds them of their ancestors homeland."
--( posted on Apr 11, 2015, commenting on the post A thought about food from Professor Rosenblum )
"Ah Chambers st, yup, definitely accurate and interesting."
--( posted on Mar 15, 2015, commenting on the post Inequality along NYC subway lines )
"I was thinking of an idea that focused on what different immigrants or people of the city want the city to become. We often focus on what their story was or what their dream is, but what about what is the dream they have for their city, where is it they want it to go. Are the ideas similar or is the future f NYC unpredictable like nothing else."
--( posted on Mar 5, 2015, commenting on the post Final Project Ideas )